In the morning we had a short walk around the town, but only cos we were searching for somewhere to hire a car from. Eventually gave up and rang around, finding a company who'd rent to under-21s pretty easily. Set off at 11am on what was to be a 300-mile round trip.
First stop was a tree top walk near a town called Walpole (along the coast to the west). A lot of tourist attractions in the area seemed to involve trees in one way or another, but that ain't a bad thing. The tree top walk was pretty cool, but not anywhere near as epic as the Gloucester tree, roughly 150km further past Walpole. This is a 60m high tree (may not sound high but believe me it bloody is... higher than our bungy jump!) which you climb up via a near-vertical ladder of metal spokes which spiral up around the tree. And theres nowt to stop you falling to a very nasty death. And someone made the terrible call of climbing up bare-foot in case our sandals or flip-flops (called thongs over here) slipped or fell off. Half way up we realised this was a serious mistake... along with the terror of risking your life climbing up and down, we were wrecking our feet on metal spokes. Nevertheless, at the top it was quality, the view was spectacular for miles around, and it was quite fun to look down and see how high you actually are... until you realise you still have to climb down. Glad we did it though, certainly something to remember.
On the way back we made a de-tour to some beaches, managing to spot a family of wild kangaroos bouncing along the road ahead of us, an eagle and a probably-deadly snake, which we only just prevented Ryan from stroking. All the scenery in the Albany area was stunning, so it was definitely worth the visit. Caught the bus back to Perth today, where we're gonna chill tonight before flying to Melbourne tomorrow.
Take care everyone. Peter.