Peter Dewhirst (aka Beast)

Tom Barker (aka Bear)
Ryan Geddis (aka Pie)
So that's the first post! More to come nearer to the time we leave and obviously, once we have left. Hopefully we'll upload some amazing pictures for everyone to drool over, assuming our nice new cameras don't get nicked...
Hope the flight went well. Don't forget to keep this up-to-date. How else can we be jealous?
now the fella hope u lot are doin gd n havin alot of banter, im proba jealous now n kind of regrettin not goin, tell u wot sack uni im comin to find u!! il phone u when i get there lol, by the way 2 beat bear at poker u just dot play him,ps. wear lotion beast u burn!! cya inabit (GS)
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