Thursday, 15 February 2007

Pass the stingray mate


Arrived in singapore 10th feb, taxi to the hostel, "Air conditioning's broken". Result, redirected to Soho hotel, still in chinatown, turns out to be a bit of a shambles, Shelley was sleeping above an age of 90 singaporean on her death bed, coughing her guts up while "Tombrother" was enjoying the company of the radiant, eccentric, slightly obese, wonky eyed, filth loving Daby. While in Singapore we enjoyed the Liverpool v Newcastle match. 2-1, unlucky Shelley. After booking two nights at the fabulous Soho hotel, we left after 1 in search of pastures new. We found instead a very nice affordable hotel in the red-light district of singapore where we would reside for the next three nights.

A chinese new year thing

Over the next three days in singapore we enjoyed a variety of cultural specific activities including going to the cinemas and eating, as well as venturing to the very impressive looking night safari. The safari offered the best experience i have ever had the displeasure of experiencing, the animal show went one better and introduced us to the nearly extinct, never found in the UK, frontman of the world's zoos, ever jaw-dropping, Barn Owl. Jesus christ.
A shopping centre (one of millions)
Shell & Ryan
By the second day Shelley had left for Sydney in search of an experience that would better that of the Barn Owl (we doubt that the finding of King Arthur's Excalibur would top that). We however still in awe from the previous night's adventure, had the amazing idea of visting the science centre the day it was closed, that left us $30 out of pocket, wet and still smiling from the Barn Owl experience.

Barn Owl aside, Singapore did offer some good experieces, from eating in little India with a leaf for a plate to visting one of the Hawker stall's for a BBQ Stingray and some superb Chinese food. We also did visit the Science institute the day after and enjoyed the i-max film, Deep Sea, that was a first for me and peter and we left very impressed. Singapore itself was sort of like how i imagined Bangkok should have been, superb food, modern and best of all, clean. We visited a superb cinema to see The Last King Of Scotland and left very satisfied, Whittaker deserves an oscar for that. Still haven't seen Rocky Balboa, it should be out in Australia by the time we arrive.

We have now arrived in Perth and met with rain and not much to do, remain in high spirits for the rest of the trip. Tom's birthday on the 15th which has now been classed as international day of rest remains a date to look forward to.

Quick shout out to the rest of the GS Posse back home, another update nearer the 20th. Finally managed to upload pictures!



MagpieLicker said...

wow. simply, wow. that is pure naked aggression like none ever witnessed before on these heavenly pastures we call Gaia. Shrumpeth doth lemon and finally you reach the best part of your journey (for it is a journey, rather than a 4 month obstacle), Australasia. Catch me a bush turkey and bring it home, for then we may feast for weeks on its lucious breast. Ernie Croot has suffered an implosion due to excess bodily fluid. R.I.C (Rest In Croot)

Anonymous said...

Abbo you strange, strange child